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Summary & Important

(빨간 별) RAID 1

(빨간 별) home ↓  / root ↑

(빨간 별) RAID 1

(빨간 별) home 파티션 크기 ↓  / root 파티션 크기 ↑

Skipping testing media

Installation Summary

Configs for Disks and Partitions

Select two disks

Select Custom on Storage Configuration


Increase root (/) to 999GiB (it will increse root to the largest possible size)

Packages to install

Select the followings

Install GroupsKISOL
Hardware Monitoring Utilitiesmcelog, smartmontools, lm_sensors
Network File System Clientnfs-utils, samba-client
Network Serversdnsmasq
Performance Toolssysstat, iotop, hdparm, iperf3
Windows File Serversamba
Headless Managementcockpit
System Toolsnmap, tmux, zsh