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What is INT (In-band Network Telemetry), July 21, 2022, written by Asterfuison

Image Added

Image Added

(별표 표시) Network Measurement by Changhoon Kim, Barefoot Networks

Standford CS344, Spring 2019


Prior Research

INT Demo presented via Barefoot & EdgeCore, 2018


~ Led team that upstreamed Data-plane Telemetry support in SONiC (open source project for network routers)

GN4-3 WP6 INT team (DPP), 2021 ~

Data Plane Programming

(별표 표시) https://wiki.geant.org/display/NETDEV/DPP


(별표 표시)(별표 표시)(별표 표시) https://github.com/orgs/GEANT-DataPlaneProgramming/repositories


INT data → eBPF, XDP → InfluxDB


P4-based INT implementation for bmv2-mininet and Tofino platforms

int-analyticsGrafana dashboard of InfluxDB

