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« 이전 버전 3 다음 »

Cisco가 개발한 네트워크 UI 컴포넌트

ODL 공식 UI 컴포넌트

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0



Who's Using NeXt - https://github.com/NeXt-UI/next

Here we feature a few customers who choose NeXt framework as their topology visualization tool and use it in their products.

NeXt + AngularJS - https://github.com/NeXt-UI/next-tutorials

As we say, NeXt pairs well with AngularJS.

⭐ 코드랩 1 - https://codepen.io/collection/XKgRGZ

⭐ 코드랩 2 - https://jsfiddle.net/user/nextsupport/fiddles/

⭐ Dynamic Link Attribute Change - https://codepen.io/deniza/pen/zwggmX

Link Tooltip with action - https://jsfiddle.net/cccw0L3h/122/

NeXt UI Documentation


  • backend : nodejs



WIP: This project is still a work-in-progress. Thus, not all types are defined yet, and there may be some edge cases where the library doesn't behave as expected.

  • 레이블 없음