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« 이전 버전 2 다음 »

How to identify data transfer routes and test network performance




tracert (windows)

performance perfSONAR

시나리오 (Scenario)

Test between KISTI(Korea) and NYU(USA)

테스트 포인트 선택 (Select test point)

Select perfSONAR nodes at New York


LocationASN (Network)Test PointHostIPType of the Host Privacy etc
(Daejeon, Korea)
AS1237 (KROENET)A1my-imac-pro (My desktop)



AS397066 (NYU-HSRN-01)B1perf1-10g.hsrn.nyu.edu216.165.12.70public 
AS14061 (DIGITALOCEAN-ASN)B2perfsonar-archiver-nyc3-01138.197.14.22Unknown 
AS396955 (INTERNET2-BLEND)B3newy32aoa.ps.internet2.edu163.253.16.59limited
AS23171 (MANHATTAN-EDU)B4perf01.manhattan.edu149.61.38.2private 
AS2907 (SINET)B5perf-nyc.sinet.ad.jp150.100.210.163research-education

내 네트워크 확인 (Check my network)

$ curl ipinfo.io
  "ip": "134.75.xxx.yyy",
  "city": "Seoul",
  "region": "Seoul",
  "country": "KR",
  "loc": "37.5660,126.9784",
  "org": "AS1237 KISTI",
  "postal": "03141",
  "timezone": "Asia/Seoul",

전송 구간 확인 (Data transfer route check)

Test between A1 ~ B1

$ sudo time mtr -i 0.1 -c 100 --timeout 10 --report-wide --show-ips perf1-10g.hsrn.nyu.edu
Start: 2024-10-17T14:54:49+0900
HOST: my-imac-pro.local                                                         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--                                                                84.0%   100    1.6   2.5   1.4   7.2   1.5
  2.|-- 134.75.xxx.1                                                             0.0%   100    1.3   3.1   1.3   9.2   1.4
  3.|-- dj-br1--dj-hb3 (134.75.aa.bb)                                           13.0%   100    1.6   3.6   1.5  16.1   1.9
  4.|-- ???                                                                     100.0   100    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  5.|-- seat-rtr--daej-rtr1kreonet2.net (                           0.0%   100  114.3 115.3 113.5 122.7   1.6
  6.|-- abilene-1-lo-jmb-706.sttlwa.pacificwave.net (              0.0%   100  116.4 116.7 113.7 120.3   1.4
  7.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-17.4079.core1.seat.net.internet2.edu (  0.0%   100  167.9 168.2 165.5 171.1   1.3
  8.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-0.4079.core1.salt.net.internet2.edu (  0.0%   100  167.4 168.5 165.7 172.3   1.2
  9.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-0.4079.core1.denv.net.internet2.edu (  0.0%   100  166.8 168.6 166.2 172.4   1.3
 10.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-0.4079.core1.kans.net.internet2.edu (  0.0%   100  168.8 168.5 165.9 174.5   1.4
 11.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-3.4079.core2.chic.net.internet2.edu (  0.0%   100  167.7 168.5 166.2 174.9   1.4
 12.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-3.4079.core2.eqch.net.internet2.edu (   0.0%   100  168.1 168.8 166.0 175.5   1.6
 13.|-- fourhundredge-0-0-0-0.4079.core2.clev.net.internet2.edu (   0.0%   100  167.8 169.1 166.1 174.0   1.6
 14.|-- buf-9208-i2-clev.nysernet.net (                            0.0%   100  168.4 169.7 168.2 173.6   0.9
 15.|-- buf-55a1-buf-9208.nysernet.net (                           0.0%   100  168.7 170.7 168.7 176.1   1.3
 16.|-- syr-57c3-buf-55a1.nysernet.net (                           0.0%   100  172.4 173.6 171.6 181.9   1.5
 17.|-- nyc32-55a1-syr-57c3.nysernet.net (                         0.0%   100  178.0 178.3 176.7 180.3   0.9
 18.|-- nyc-9208-nyc32-55a1.nysernet.net (                         0.0%   100  177.7 179.0 176.6 207.2   4.1
 19.|-- nyc-9208-nyu-hsrn-cdn.nysernet.net (                        0.0%   100  177.1 178.4 176.7 202.2   2.6
 20.|-- perf1-10g.hsrn.nyu.edu (                                   0.0%    99  177.0 178.3 176.7 197.1   2.2
       16.01 real         0.11 user         0.22 sys

망 성능 테스트 (Test network performance)

Run Container

MY_LAPTOP $ docker pull perfsonar/testpoint

MY_LAPTOP $ docker run -td --name ptest perfsonar/testpoint

MY_LAPTOP $ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                ...  NAMES
6847........   perfsonar/testpoint  ...  ptest

MY_LAPTOP $ docker exec -it ptest /bin/sh


Throughput test between A3 ~ B3

CONTAINER # pscheduler task throughput --help

CONTAINER # pscheduler task throughput -s $A -d $B -i 1 -t 20
Submitting task...
Task URL:
Running with tool 'iperf3'
Fetching first run...

Next scheduled run:
Starts 2024-10-17T06:54:00+00:00 (~2 seconds)
Ends   2024-10-17T06:54:29+00:00 (~28 seconds)
Waiting for result...

* Stream ID 5
Interval       Throughput     Retransmits    Current Window
0.0 - 1.0      13.22 Mbps     0              253.40 KBytes
1.0 - 2.0      277.30 Mbps    0              13.37 MBytes
18.0 - 19.0    1.03 Gbps      0              45.86 MBytes
19.0 - 20.0    986.20 Mbps    0              45.86 MBytes

Interval       Throughput     Retransmits    Receiver Throughput
0.0 - 20.0     930.97 Mbps    0              922.97 Mbps

No further runs scheduled.

CONTAINER # pscheduler task throughput -s $A -d $B -i 1 -t 20 -P 8
Interval       Throughput     Retransmits    Receiver Throughput
0.0 - 20.0     7.46 Gbps      0              7.40 Gbps
No further runs scheduled.

One way latency test from A3 to B3

CONTAINER # pscheduler task latency --help

CONTAINER # pscheduler task latency -s $A -d $B --packet-count 1000 --packet-interval .01
Submitting task...
Running with tool 'owping'
Fetching first run...
Waiting for result...

Packet Statistics
Packets Sent ......... 1000 packets
Packets Received ..... 1000 packets
Packets Lost ......... 0 packets
Packets Duplicated ... 0 packets
Packets Reordered .... 0 packets

One-way Latency Statistics
Delay Median ......... 84.23 ms
Delay Minimum ........ 84.14 ms
Delay Maximum ........ 85.12 ms
Delay Mean ........... 84.59 ms
Delay Mode ........... 84.19 ms
Delay 25th Percentile ... 84.19 ms
Delay 75th Percentile ... 85.03 ms
Delay 95th Percentile ... 85.07 ms
Max Clock Error ...... 0.52 ms
Common Jitter Measurements:
    P95 - P50 ........ 0.84 ms
    P75 - P25 ........ 0.84 ms
    Variance ......... 0.18 ms
    Std Deviation .... 0.42 ms
    84.14 ms: 7 packets
    84.15 ms: 8 packets
    84.16 ms: 13 packets
    84.17 ms: 21 packets
    84.18 ms: 14 packets
    84.19 ms: 259 packets
    84.20 ms: 106 packets
    84.21 ms: 47 packets
    84.22 ms: 18 packets
    84.23 ms: 14 packets
    84.24 ms: 3 packets
    84.25 ms: 6 packets
    84.26 ms: 5 packets
    84.27 ms: 5 packets
    84.28 ms: 1 packets
    84.29 ms: 4 packets
    84.30 ms: 2 packets
    84.31 ms: 1 packets
    84.96 ms: 3 packets
    84.97 ms: 3 packets
    84.98 ms: 11 packets
    84.99 ms: 5 packets
    85.00 ms: 76 packets
    85.01 ms: 64 packets
    85.02 ms: 40 packets
    85.03 ms: 22 packets
    85.04 ms: 53 packets
    85.05 ms: 49 packets
    85.06 ms: 66 packets
    85.07 ms: 29 packets
    85.08 ms: 22 packets
    85.09 ms: 7 packets
    85.10 ms: 12 packets
    85.11 ms: 2 packets
    85.12 ms: 2 packets

TTL Statistics
TTL Median ........... 248.00
TTL Minimum .......... 248.00
TTL Maximum .......... 248.00
TTL Mean ............. 248.00
TTL Mode ............. 248.00
TTL 25th Percentile ... 248.00
TTL 75th Percentile ... 248.00
TTL 95th Percentile ... 248.00
    248: 1000 packets

RTT (ping) test from A3 to B3

CONTAINER # pscheduler task rtt --help

CONTAINER # pscheduler task rtt -s $A -d $B
Submitting task...
Running with tool 'ping'
Fetching first run...Waiting for result...

1	newy32aoa.ps.internet2.edu (  64 Bytes  TTL 57  RTT 173.0000 ms
2	newy32aoa.ps.internet2.edu (  64 Bytes  TTL 57  RTT 173.0000 ms
3	newy32aoa.ps.internet2.edu (  64 Bytes  TTL 57  RTT 173.0000 ms
4	newy32aoa.ps.internet2.edu (  64 Bytes  TTL 57  RTT 173.0000 ms
5	newy32aoa.ps.internet2.edu (  64 Bytes  TTL 57  RTT 173.0000 ms

0% Packet Loss  RTT Min/Mean/Max/StdDev = 173.326000/173.407000/173.473000/0.270000 ms

No further runs scheduled.
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