(2023-01-18 초안 작성)

Fedora → RHEL 7 → CentOS 7

Fedora → CentOS 8 Stream → RHEL 8 → Rocky Linux, Alma Linux

(RHEL = Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

RHEL 7 → CentOS 7

  • CentOS 7은 RHEL 7의 downstream
  • CentOS 7은 상용 리눅스의 모든 기능 이용
  • CentOS 7은 상용 리눅스 급의 안정성 보장

Fedora → CentOS 8 Stream → RHEL 8

  • (RedHat 의견) CentOS가 최신 기술을 빠르게 받아들이도록 순서를 바꿈
  • (커뮤니티 의견) IBM이 RedHat을 인수하더니 CentOS를 RHEL의 베타판으로 만들었다. So Evil...

CentOS 8 Stream → RHEL 8

RHEL 8 → Rocky Linux, Alma Linux

  • RHEL의 Release Note를 보고 RHEL과 100% 호환되는 배포판을 만들자 (RHEL의 버그까지 그대로 재현하는 것을 목표)

Rocky vs. Alma.

Rocky LinuxAlmaLinux
관리커뮤니티 에서 시작
→ Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation
CloudLinux (상용 리눅스 업체) 에서 시작
→ AlmaLinux OS Foundation (501c 비영리재단)
(CloudLinux 에서 연간 1백만 달러 후원 중)

스폰서로 GCP, VMware 도 참여함

(2023.01 현재) Rocky Linux 가 AlmaLinux 대비 3:1 정도로 우세함

CloudLinux 에 종속된 느낌이 강함
→ 비영리재단을 만들었으니 추후 상황을 지겨보아야 함

CERN의 행보 → AlmaLinux

CentOS 8 Stream 장기간 사용, 문제 없었음

AlmaLinux 로 선회함 (전략적 제휴를 맺은 듯)

한국에서 사용하기는 RockyLinux가 편함

클라우드에서 사용하기는 Rocky Linux 가 편함

  • AWS, MS Azure, Google Cloud, Naver Cloud 모두 rocky 이미지 제공

국내 미러사이트

참고 문서

2021-10-25 Update on CentOS Linux strategy - Linux @ CERN

CERN and Fermilab have been closely evaluating the Linux distribution landscape. We observe that national cyber infrastructure organizations are increasingly supporting more science domains, so in addition to LHC- or HEP-specific considerations, it will be useful to have a choice that is widely recognized and meets the needs of broader science research.

Red Hat has made a proposal to CERN regarding an academic licensing scheme. Ultimately this would require significant overhead at external sites, and therefore we have worries on this proposal’s attractiveness for other sites.

Going forward, we propose to target CentOS Stream as the standard distribution for experiments. We feel that deploying CentOS Stream 8 is low risk, and we now have months of experience running IT services and experiment offline workloads on CentOS Stream 8 without any significant issues.
We feel that should issues arise with the adoption of CentOS Stream 8, it would be straightforward to reevaluate other options before CentOS Stream 8 support ends. CentOS Stream 8 is a supported distribution until May 2024. Trivial migration paths are provided by the various ELC (Enterprise Linux Clone) communities.

Continued support for existing workloads on Scientific Linux 7 and CERN CentOS 7 will be maintained as previously planned.


2022-12-08 Fermilab/CERN recommendation for Linux distribution- Linux @ CERN

CERN and Fermilab jointly plan to provide AlmaLinux as the standard distribution for experiments at our facilities, reflecting recent experience and discussions with experiments and other stakeholders. AlmaLinux has recently been gaining traction among the community due to its long life cycle for each major version, extended architecture support, rapid release cycle, upstream community contributions, and support for security advisory metadata. In testing, it has demonstrated to be perfectly compatible with the other rebuilds and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. CERN and, to a lesser extent, Fermilab, will also use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for some services and applications within the respective laboratories. Scientific Linux 7, at Fermilab, and CERN CentOS 7, at CERN, will continue to be supported for their remaining life, until June 2024.


2023-01-13 Which distribution should I use? - Linux @ CERN


CERN supports both RHEL and AlmaLinux, and in addition some CentOS versions - so which distribution should I use?

If you need to use a specific family, please read on:

For the 7 family, the choice is easy: use CERN CentOS 7 (CC7)

For the 8 or 9 families you have two choices, either RHEL or AlmaLinux.

  • Please see the table below

AlmaLinux versus RHEL

Situation / Use caseDistribution to use
I use software that requires support from a vendor (eg: Oracle, WinCC OA)RHEL should be used
I need to distribute a virtual machine or docker image to users outside of CERNAlmaLinux must be used (please see the RHEL page for more details)
My service provides interactive access to non CERN sites (eg: lxplus or lxbatch)AlmaLinux should be used
My situation is not described above, can I use either ALMA or RHEL?Yes, you may use either - the choice is yours!

AlmaLinux OS - Forever-Free Enterprise-Grade OS


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